Programming & Engineering

Hope to become more powerful.


Hi there!

My destiny with program development

IAs an information management and information systems student, it is actually not easy to take into account the program development, in my sophomore year, I mistakenly enrolled in a Java training course, from then on the road of technology, in the study of this professional course, but also mastered the class students do not care much about Java development skills, which gave me a lot of confidence and opportunities, if not and program development, may not have today’s website, so I am particularly grateful to my sophomore self, choose a difficult but upward path.

So, when you want to do something, boldly go ahead and do it, do not have to worry about the future, worry about what the future will be, while there are still ideas, have the courage, boldly start it.

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What I do

Programming skills being learned

Programming skills are never ending.

Java & spring and related programming frameworks & …

Java is a classic object-oriented language, its syntax is regular, suitable for group development, is a language that can not avoid the back-end development
Spring is a layered Java SE/EE application full-stack lightweight open source framework to IoC (Inverse Of Control: Inversion of Control) and AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming: cutter-oriented programming) as the kernel , providing a presentation layer Spring MVC and persistence layer Spring JDBC and business layer transaction management and many other enterprise-class application technologies , but also integrate many of the world’s most famous open source third-party frameworks and libraries , and gradually become the most used Java EE enterprise applications open source framework .

python & pytorch & flask & …

The recent rise of python is a must-have programming language for researchers, and a series of technology stacks have been developed around python, which the author is optimistic about and interested in learning.
Pytorch is the python version of torch, a neural network framework open-sourced by Facebook and specifically designed for GPU-accelerated deep neural network (DNN) programming. torch is a classic tensor library for manipulating multidimensional matrix data and is widely used in machine learning and other math-intensive applications. Unlike Tensorflow’s static computational graph, pytorch’s computational graph is dynamic and can be changed in real time according to computational needs.

JavaScript & Vue & react &…

JavaScript leads the way in front-end development, and many excellent front-end frameworks and visual components have emerged over the years, like vue, elementUI, echarts, D3.js, etc. It is also very interesting to use the programming for personalized interface display.

more & …

There are still a lot of programming skills waiting to be learned……

Featured works

Some of my cases

Some rudimentary projects, please advise more.


Data visualization final project based on d3.js and echarts

Since there are no relevant statistics for other areas of the Chinese map, other territories with 0 data are not specifically noted


Chinese Vocabulary Wisdom Learning WeChat App

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Case Studies

Update in progress


Highly integrated power producer project

The mall is a common e-commerce website, and the project uses a front-end and back-end separated architecture. The front-end development mainly uses vue.js, and the back-end uses Dubbo technology for distributed calls. The project contains most of the functions of the e-commerce system, divided into the merchant side and the user side. The merchant side has permissions management, product management, advertising management and other functions. The user side has functions such as user registration and login, searching for products, adding shopping cart, placing orders for products, making payments, and killing products in seconds.

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Distributed Medical Cloud Platform

The distributed medical cloud platform system is the starting point for a complete primary medical institution information solution, creating a link between clinics, doctors, patients, one-stop Internet medical service system, which deeply explores the needs of primary medical institutions, solves their real pain points, provides medical frontier resources and information sharing, etc., comprehensively improves the quality of medical management, and can be implemented to land a comprehensive solution.

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